Call For the Resumption of the Importation of Vehicles Less Than 3 Years Old


Calls for the resumption of the importation of vehicles less than 3 years old are increasing in Algeria. This time it is the Algerian Organization for the Protection and Guidance of the Consumer and its Environment (AOPCE) which is stepping up to demand the long-awaited return of this provision. 

The return of the importation of used vehicles and more precisely of cars less than three years old is long overdue in Algeria. Announced many times, this recovery still does not see the light of day, to the chagrin of the Algerians.

It must be said that this situation was not without consequence on the prices of cars in Algeria. These do not cease to flare up more and more every day. It is also this high cost that has pushed the Algerian Organization for the Protection and Guidance of the Consumer and its Environment (AOPCE) to step up to demand the return to the import of used vehicles.

Prices are soaring: “A Picanto at 400 million”

“A Picanto at 400 million, where are we going like this,” exclaimed the said organization in a publication dated Friday, September 3 on its Facebook page. And to add “if the persons in charge do not feel the plight of the citizens given that they circulate with vehicles of services, the Parliament must move to authorize the return of the importation of the cars of less than 3 years.”

More than one would certainly wonder the reason for the delay in relaunching this procedure, suspended several years ago in Algeria. However, the text of the law relating to this long-awaited authorization was published in the last official journal of Wednesday, June 9, 2021.

Importation of cars less than 3 years old: a long-awaited recovery

“Is authorized the customs clearance for the release for consumption, with payment of the duties and taxes under the common law system, the passenger vehicles of less than three (3) years of age, imported by the resident individuals, one (1) times every three (3) years, on their own currencies, by debiting a currency account, opened in Algeria”, this text indicated.

It must be said that this is not the first time that such announcements have been made without this actually materializing.