Tunisia: Press Professionals Mobilized against Attacks on Freedom of Information 


The Tunisian Federation of Newspaper Directors (FTDJ), the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), and the General Federation of Information have decided to activate joint coordination between professional structures.

This decision follows a meeting that brought together, Wednesday, November 16, 2022, representatives of these structures at the headquarters of the federation, indicating a press release published the next day.

The meeting participants reviewed the difficult situation prevailing in the sector. “He threatens media establishments to close their doors and sends professionals in the sector towards a certain unemployment”, reads the press release where the representatives of the profession criticized “the suspicious silence” of the official authorities in the treatment of this file.

They also referred to the “continuous delay” in satisfying the legitimate demands of the structures concerned, denouncing the multiplication of attacks against journalists and attacks on freedom of expression and information.

Faced with the seriousness of the situation, the professional structures of the media have decided to activate joint coordination and to examine the means of defending the sector with all its components, through an open meeting in which the movements to consider, both locally and internationally, add the same statement.