Morocco and Its Fight for Water


The Moroccan kingdom presented its management model at the United Nations summit on groundwater

Morocco has suffered the worst drought in decades. Water has always been a precious commodity in Africa in general, but in recent months this element has taken on an even greater dimension for the North African country due to water scarcity in the face of lack of rainfall. from which he suffered. 

The Moroccan nation is trying to recover from the worst drought it has seen in decades, and the goal is to boost the country’s hydraulic capacity. With this in mind, Nizar Baraka, Morocco’s Minister of Equipment and Water, presented the water resources management model at the United Nations (UN) Groundwater Summit in Paris, France. . 

Nizar Baraka assured that his country is very aware of water preservation and that the goal is to have a strategy and planning to face future adverse circumstances, as highlighted by Morocco World News . The Moroccan Minister of Equipment and Water mentioned the projects already implemented at the national level to strengthen water capacities, such as desalination plants, small dams and the reuse of treated water, in order to to be more resilient to the effects of climate change. 

water-morocco-un-nizar-barakaPHOTO/FILE – Nizar Baraka

Nizar Baraka was speaking during a session held under the theme “Groundwater and the SDG6 Acceleration Instrument”, within the framework of this UN summit, and stressed that the Kingdom is very committed early on the path to mastering its water resources, through their mobilization, their management based on dynamic planning and anticipation, as well as their protection and preservation, as reported by the Moroccan press agency MAP.

Morocco, he said, has also launched several measures to further strengthen the sustainable management of groundwater, including strengthening the responsibility of basin agencies (ABH) in groundwater management and the generalization of water contracts. ‘underground water.

The financing of all these initiatives is provided for in the budgets of the Moroccan State, which is very sensitive to current climate impacts and in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Moroccan minister also highlighted the role of public-private partnerships and companies in the rational and efficient use of water. 


The social and economic problems linked to water scarcity have been a constant concern during the year 2022 for the Moroccan authorities, who seek to tackle this problem which is increasingly aggravated by climate change and the more and more detrimental periods of drought for a country like Morocco , which is located in North Africa. 

Morocco has faced its worst drought in 30 years, which has severely damaged its agricultural production, a very important sector for the Moroccan economy, and led to cuts and restrictions for a population that has had to face a shortage increased water which affected his daily life. 

Recall that in August, the Moroccan production of the main cereals fell by 67%, devastating news, because the invasion of Ukraine by Russia had a terrible effect on the market for cereals and grains, because the country Ukraine is one of the world’s leading exporters of these materials and its trade has suffered significant disruption due to the war affecting many countries, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. 

water-morocco-aPHOTO/FILE – Hydraulic dam in Morocco

A long-term solution for better water management is inevitable and the Moroccan government is working hard to find effective solutions to make the most of the country’s water resources.