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HomeInternationalLarbi Tadlaoui is innocent after legal advise from Norton Rose Fulbright: Tadlaoui’s...

Larbi Tadlaoui is innocent after legal advise from Norton Rose Fulbright: Tadlaoui’s Defense.

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- A new twist in the tail occurred in what is being referred to in Morocco as “The Paradise Golf and Beach Resort Scandal” as according to the defense of the project promoter Larbi Tadlaoui, this latter has been exonerated of responsibility by one of the top three worldwide law firms in the world, namely Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, after Tadlaoui’s defense sought Norton’s legal advice to lift the lid on the circumstances of the case, including establishing responsibilities.

Back last April, a collective group of Paradise Golf and Beach Resort international investors contacted The Moroccan Times to thank the Moroccan monarch King Mohammed VI for arresting Tadlaoui, including indicting him as the legal responsible of the bogging out of the project, but Tadlaoui’s defense, following a legal advice on the case by Norton, contacted The Moroccan Times last week to stress the innocence of Larbi.

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“We submitted all the relevant documentation to one of the top three worldwide law firms that advises and assists top corporations, entities and Governments generally but in particular the Moroccan Government,” referring to Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, a statement from Atlantic Beach Paradise Resort said.

“We sought their legal advice to establish who is responsible for the delay and all of these problems – the Developing Company, Atlantic Beach Paradise Resort S.A.R.L, or the vendor of the land, the Government. The conclusions are clear; the Government/State is responsible and is in breach of its obligations. The Government/State has not in any way appreciated the needs of our Project in terms of infrastructure and the worst is that Amendis, a subsidiary of Veolia who acts on behalf of the Government/State, still cannot in 2016 guarantee the provision of irrigation water for our Golf Course.” the statement further noted.

“The truth is that the real responsibility for this negligence by the Government/State back in 2007 lies with Mr. Mohammed Hassad who used to be the local representative (the Wali) of the State in Tangier in 2007. He is now the actual Minister of Home Affairs and the Plaintiff against our ex General Manager, Larbi Tadlaoui. Instead of admitting his faults/negligence for granting an area for building without basic off site infrastructure, he prefers to use Larbi Tadlaoui as a scapegoat. This has now been confirmed by Amendis’ lawyer in their response to our claim at the High Administrative Court: “This area was not suitable for the construction of a touristic resort because of the total lack of basic infrastructure’, ” the statement stressed.

“Unfortunately, a minority group of our clients amounting to less than one hundred are manipulated by the Minister of Home Affairs through the Embassy, to hide their responsibility, when five hundred plus clients are supporting us with written letters and have accepted our compensation scheme for the delay beyond our control. The Government also tried to distance themselves claiming that they are not a party to this Project. We had no other choice but to start legal proceedings against the Government at the High Administrative Court and we obtained a judgement confirming that the Government is a party to this case/affair forcing the Government to enter into arbitration even though they were distancing themselves and trying to escape,” Atlantic Beach Paradise Resort’s statement read.

“Additionally we would like to inform you that all defamations and accusations made about Atlantic Beach Paradise Resort S.A.R.L. having run out of funds are totally false as we have continually stated and informed clients. This is now confirmed by the audit conducted at the demand of the examining judge. The conclusions are as follows: “All funds invested in the Project; no misappropriation and most importantly funds are available to finish the Paradise Golf and Beach Resort including the payment of fees to Amendis’” the statement closed.

In light of all of the aforementioned, Tadlaoui’s defense stressed that they want to stress the following points:

  • Amendis confirming in court the conclusions by Norton Rose Fulbright regarding the negligence of the Government and their responsibility for the delay.
  • The Government forced by judgement to go to arbitration as a party despite their efforts to distance themselves.
  • Confirmation by an independent audit ordered by the examining judge of all funds having been invested into the Project; no misappropriation and the availability of funds to finish the Paradise Golf and Beach Resort.

“It is now clear, as we have always stated, that Larbi Tadlaoui, the ex General Manager of Atlantic Beach Paradise Resort S.A.R.L., is innocent and under arbitrary detention caused by defamation and manipulation by badly intentioned people. Human Rights NGO’s brought their support to Larbi Tadlaoui, as his human rights have been abused and they will take measures against all those responsible in Morocco and abroad,” Tadlaoui’s defense closed.

Source: Larbi Tadlaoui is innocent after legal advise from Norton Rose Fulbright: Tadlaoui’s Defense | The Moroccan Times

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