France: French-Algerian Parliamentarian Targeted by Hateful Campaign Following Vote


The French National Assembly adopted a resolution last Thursday condemning the massacre of Algerian protesters in Paris on October 17, 1961. Following her support for this resolution, Socialist Deputy Fatiha Keloua Hachi, of Algerian origin, has faced a deluge of racism and hatred on social media platforms.

The campaign of hate directed towards the parliamentarian underscores the persistence of bigotry and xenophobia within certain segments of French society. Despite her democratic mandate and right to participate in parliamentary proceedings, she has been singled out for her ethnic background, facing unwarranted attacks on social media and elsewhere.

The nature of the abuse leveled against the parliamentarian is deeply concerning, reflecting broader societal tensions and prejudices. It highlights the challenges faced by individuals of immigrant backgrounds in navigating public life and engaging in political discourse, often in the face of discrimination and hostility.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to combat intolerance and promote inclusivity in French society. Political leaders and civil society alike must condemn such acts of hate unequivocally and work towards fostering a culture of respect and acceptance for diversity.

In response to the campaign targeting the parliamentarian, voices of solidarity and support have emerged from across the political spectrum. Elected officials and activists have rallied behind her, denouncing the hate speech and affirming the principles of tolerance and democracy.

The parliamentarian herself has remained resolute in the face of adversity, refusing to be intimidated or silenced by the hateful rhetoric. Her steadfast commitment to representing her constituents and upholding democratic values serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of France’s diverse communities.

Denunciation of the Massacre of October 17, 1961: Deputy Fatiha Keloua Hachi Condemns “Racist and Hateful Outpour” After Her Vote

As the nation grapples with the fallout from this disturbing episode, it is imperative that steps be taken to address the underlying factors fueling hatred and discrimination. By fostering dialogue, promoting mutual understanding, and reaffirming the principles of equality and justice, France can strive towards building a more inclusive and harmonious society for all its citizens.