“Algeria Is Dealing With Spain, Not the EU” (Algerian Source)


Algeria has been in crisis with Spain since the latter made an unexpected reversal in its position vis-à-vis the Sahrawi question.

On March 18, the Moroccan royal palace announced that the government of Pedro Sanchez informed the Moroccan authorities of its decision to support the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco.

What Madrid confirmed on the same day. In response, Algeria announced on April 19 that it had recalled its ambassador to Spain for consultations.

In full world tension on gas, Algeria favored Italy with which it signed a contract increasing deliveries. It has also decided to close its market to Spanish beef, according to media sources.

“Those who speak of Algeria’s temporary anger are not in tune with reality”, indicated on April 18 the Algerian Special Envoy in charge of Western Sahara and the Maghreb countries, Amar Belani, who reacted to the appeal by Pedro Sanchez for the return of the Algerian ambassador to his post.

To resolve the crisis it has caused, the Madrid government has turned to the European Union, several Spanish sources have reported in recent days.

“The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Spain is asking Josep Borrell (High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs) to help him overcome the crisis with Algeria. He has not been able to contact Algiers since Madrid supports Rabat in the Sahara,” tweeted Spanish journalist specializing in the Sahara issue, Ignacio Cembrero.

Borell disqualified by his partisan positions

“The crisis is bilateral and we are dealing with Spain and not with the European Union,” replies an Algerian diplomatic source curtly. “You shouldn’t get the register wrong. Those who bear direct responsibility for this crisis are those who must get involved and invest in overcoming it. As we had already indicated, the return to normal of Algerian-Spanish relations is dependent on the application of international law”, indicates the same source in a statement to TSA this Sunday, April 24.

It must also be said that Madrid did not knock on the right door. Josep Borrell, member of the Spanish socialist party of Pedro Sanchez, is disqualified by the positions he had to express on the issue.

As early as March 21, he maintained that the letter sent by the Spanish government to Morocco does not contradict the European position.

On March 24, he reaffirmed to a Spanish television channel that “the position of Spain, which has opted for the support of the autonomy proposed by Morocco, is always in line with the framework of the UN and the resolutions of the UN Security Council”.

“The support expressed by the government of Pedro Sanchez for the Moroccan initiative is similar to that adopted by Germany and France, and all these positions respond to the UN Charter which pleads for a negotiated solution between the parties. concerned,” he added, noting that “the EU continues to advocate the same approach, namely a negotiated solution between the parties.

“Ethically and historically inadmissible”

On Saturday, the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune considered that Spain’s reversal on the Saharawi question is “ethically and historically inadmissible”. However, the head of state wanted to make a difference between the Spanish government of Pedro Sanchez and the Spanish state.

“We have to distinguish between the Spanish Government and the Spanish State with which we have very strong ties. We demand the application of international law so that relations return to normal with Spain,” he said.