The Staggering Figure on the Exile of Tunisian Engineers, “Who Earn 4 Times Less” than Moroccans


The president of the Order of Tunisian Engineers (OIT), Kamel Sahnoun, spoke yesterday, Friday, March 29, of the massive departure of engineers towards more clement skies. He declared on a private radio that between 8,000 and 8,500 engineers graduate in a class in Tunisia and at the same time 6,500 engineers move abroad each year.

He indicated that these departures are not the result of freshly graduated engineers but those who have capitalized on experience and become seasoned professionals. “ Financial conditions are part of the reasons for leaving, Moroccan engineers receive four times the salary of a Tunisian engineer ”…

“ Poorly qualified civil servants take the place of engineers who go into exile, which explains the failures in public companies,”  added the ILO president. He invited the public authorities to take a close interest in engineers’ situation and improve the professional and financial framework.

Furthermore, he underlined the urgency of changing the development model, based on an economy of interest and rents, which was also denounced by Abderrazak Khallouli, one of the leaders of the July 25 movement. According to Sahnoun, it is indispensable to migrate towards a knowledge economy and the importance of investments to encourage engineers to drive private projects.