Comedian Brahim Bouhlel Soon Free After His Bad Joke in Morocco


The 26-year-old actor, who plays in the series “Validé”, is due out of prison this Sunday in Marrakech. He finished serving an 8-month sentence, following a private parody video, which had landed on the networks and sparked a heated controversy in Morocco.

Freedom for Brahim Bouhlel. The comedian and actor, notably on the poster for the series “Validated” on Canal +, is due out this Sunday from Marrakech prison where he was serving an 8-month prison sentence. On April 21, he was sentenced following a parody video, filmed a few weeks earlier in a restaurant in the Moroccan city, in a private setting, but which ended up on social networks. But the joy of regaining freedom will be mixed. Because his friend Sammy Tami, who had also participated in the video, received a one-year prison sentence, and will therefore have to remain four additional months behind bars.

After several appeals and requests for pardon that had given nothing, the 26-year-old actor had finally resigned himself to serving his sentence to the end. The two friends were imprisoned in difficult conditions, 15 inmates in a 30 square meter cell. The visiting rooms, closed since July because of the Covid, were able to reopen in early October, allowing families to come.

“Great mental strength”

“During my visits to him, I discovered a deeply endearing young man of great mental strength. I am convinced that he will give the full measure of his talent as an actor in the coming years ”, reacted the lawyer of Brahim Bouhlel and Sammy Tami, Me Charles Morel, who had planned to go there for his exit of prison but had to change his mind, in view of the suspension of commercial flights decided by Morocco a few days ago. “I know the relief he must feel today will not be complete until Sammy is released as well.”

It is for the shooting of a film by Mohamed Hamidi, with Kad Merad, that the Franco-Algerian actor went to Morocco. In the images of a few minutes, shot in a restaurant in early April, Brahim Bouhlel and two friends (Sammy and a third man, who was able to leave the country before the start of the investigation), were filmed next to three Moroccan children, cursing them and their mothers. The video, an extremely awkward parody according to the authors themselves, made the rounds on social networks and greatly shocked Moroccan public opinion, which deemed it insulting. Brahim Bouhlel apologized a few days later. But Moroccan justice had decided. The actor should be able to return to France quickly.