For about thirty years, Morocco has been facing a scarcity of rains, causing a lot of damage, especially in the agricultural world, noted the American press agency of the Bloomberg LP group in an article published on the question of the drought which affects all of North Africa.
Even if rainfall is increasingly rare in Morocco, drought does not only affect the kingdom. It has spread to all of North Africa and even beyond, according to the American press agency.
“Three-quarters of Spain is in a dry zone and 90,000 km², or nearly 20% of its continental territory, present a high or very high risk of desertification”, reports Madrid, which announces a plan against desertification.
The coming months are likely to be even more difficult, notes Bloomberg, noting that short-term forecasts are hardly reassuring. “It’s too early to be very, very pessimistic,” said Séverine Omnes-Maisons, an analyst at Strategie Grains, “but the drought remains a concern.”
Concerned by the problem of the drought, King Mohammed VI had ordered that rogatory prayers be performed in all the mosques of the Kingdom.