Israel ‘Should’ AcknowledgeMorocco’s Sovereignty over Western Sahara


In return for its normalization with the Jewish state, Rabat had already obtained in 2020 from Washington the recognition of “Moroccan sovereignty” over Western Sahara.

The speaker of the Israeli parliament said Thursday that his country “should move towards recognition” of Morocco’s sovereignty over the disputed territory of Western Sahara, during his first official visit to the kingdom.

“Je l’ai déjà dit et je le redis très clairement en tant que président de la Knesset, Israël devrait aller vers une reconnaissance du Sahara marocain, tout comme l’a fait notre plus proche allié les Etats-Unis en signant les accords d’Abraham. J’ai soutenu et poussé vers cet objectif”, a déclaré Amir Ohana durant une conférence de presse à Rabat.

“Il y a actuellement des discussions sérieuses entre nos gouvernements sur cette question, et je crois que le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu annoncera sa décision dans un avenir proche”, a précisé le responsable israélien en marge d’une rencontre avec son homologue marocain Rachid Talbi Alami.

Le Sahara occidental, ancienne colonie espagnole, est considéré comme un “territoire non autonome” par l’ONU en l’absence d’un règlement définitif. Depuis près de 50 ans, un conflit y oppose le Maroc aux indépendantistes du Front Polisario, soutenus par Alger. Rabat, qui contrôle près de 80% de ce vaste territoire, prône un plan d’autonomie sous sa souveraineté. Le Polisario réclame le référendum d’autodétermination sous l’égide de l’ONU, qui avait été prévu lors de la signature en 1991 d’un cessez-le feu, mais jamais concrétisé.

Morocco and Israel normalized diplomatic relations in December 2020 as part of the Abraham Accords, a process between Israel and several Arab countries, backed by Washington. In return, Rabat obtained from Washington the recognition of “Moroccan sovereignty” over Western Sahara. The kingdom is also trying to obtain from its Israeli ally the recognition of the “Moroccanness” of this former Spanish colony.

Since their rapprochement, Israeli-Moroccan cooperation — security, trade and tourism — has continued at a steady pace.

In Rabat, the President of the Knesset called for “deepening and strengthening” this cooperation, in particular by opening embassies in the two countries which only have liaison offices.

In addition, the head of Moroccan diplomacy Nasser Bourita spoke on Wednesday in Rabat with the national security adviser of Israel, Tzachi Hanegbi, according to the Moroccan press agency MAP. The two officials “welcomed the sustained momentum of strengthening bilateral cooperation”, according to MAP.

However, this all-out rapprochement comes up against in part of Moroccan public opinion the accession to power in Israel of ultra-nationalist currents, hostile to all talks with the Palestinians. On Wednesday, about fifty people demonstrated in front of the Parliament in Rabat against the arrival of Amir Ohana at the call of the Moroccan Front in support of Palestine. Rabat regularly affirms its attachment to the Palestinian cause, which continues to arouse immense sympathy within the Moroccan population.