Disney +: the documentary “Secret Algeria” is out!


Travel – The streaming and subscription services (SVOD) platform, Disney +, is expanding its summer catalog with a discovery documentary entitled “Secret Algeria”, directed by Ian Sciacaluga. Release date, description… We tell you everything, this August 21, 2021, about this novelty of the American giant to discover or rediscover.
The historical, cultural, environmental, civilisational and social richness of the largest country in Africa highlighted in a documentary! During the current month, the American digital platform is not giving itself a moment’s respite and is enriched with plenty of new programs. Among the most eagerly awaited by Disney + subscribers: “Secret Algeria”, an audiovisual work that reveals the beauty of our country.

Enough to delight those who still dream of adventures, but are deprived of them due to a lack of economy or restrictions linked to Covid-19. So you will have understood it. “Secret Algeria” is the must-watch documentary for getting away from home. Initially released last year on National Geographic TV channel, the film offers four episodes that offer breathtaking sequences.

With colossal means of production, the film crew managed to immortalize the enchantment and magnificence of Algeria. From the coastal towns to the Sahara, the viewer would almost believe it. A chance to observe North African nature from so close. The first episode of the documentary highlights Algiers la Blanche in all its splendor. Its architecture appears much richer than one might imagine.

“Secret Algeria” on Disney +: the journey of a lifetime!
The Algerian capital can be proud of a rich and preserved past. The discovery documentary, soon available on the streaming platform, reveals the French and Moorish colonial buildings. All punctuated by churches and mosques with breathtaking architecture that coexist in the same place and through which we find the identity of Algiers.

Northern Algeria is highlighted in particular in the second episode. A sort of tourist and cultural excursion with stops, first in Oran where the fort of Santa-Cruz bewitches. The suspension bridges of Constantine and the Handicrafts of Tlemcen will also appeal to all lovers of history and culture. The star of the third issue is the desert. Difficult to remain insensitive to the beauty of Hoggar or the Mzab valley.

The North African Sahara takes on its full dimension and reveals its greatest wealth to those eager to travel. The fourth and final episode is a marvellous illustration of the diversity of cultures, borrowed from other peoples, which also recalls our country’s historic victory against a colonial power. It should be noted that the documentary miniseries can be watched from Wednesday, August 25 on Disney +.