Tunisia Has the Only Clinic Accredited Gold Level by Canada Accreditation in French-Speaking Africa


The management of “Clinique La Rose” -located at Lac 3- recently invited a number of journalists to talk to them about its GOLD accreditation by Canada Accreditation.

We were told that as soon as it opened in November 2017, this multidisciplinary private clinic began its journey of improving care by choosing to collaborate with one of the most well-known organizations in the world, namely “Accreditation Canada” (an organization independent non-governmental organization that is part of the Health Standards Organization ‘HSO’ and has approximately 1,000 experts).

It is a repository of standards used to focus on the patient and to guide organizations by highlighting and evaluating the axes to be revisited.

Thus, 6 standards were applied, affecting all aspects of the company: governance, leadership, risk management, infection prevention and control, medication management, emergency services, etc.

And after a long journey and following several visits by the Canadian team, as well as self-assessments, the clinic became aware of its centers of excellence and was able to fill in its gaps.

Being the first health facility in Tunisia to undertake the Canadian Accreditation process, Clinique La Rose has therefore demonstrated a commitment to its patients to achieve positive changes in terms of quality of care and safety and subsequently a better service delivery.

It should be noted in passing that the clinic has the first MRI  imaging unit opened in Tunisia. Indeed, “this configuration makes MRI examination accessible to patients suffering from claustrophobia or obesity, as well as to disabled patients…”.

Moreover, Sami Beizig, general manager of the said clinic will say that “these achievements can only consolidate the image of the clinic, establish an exemplary health practice in the best possible conditions, and above all prove the quality of Tunisian skills”. But also of the Tunisian medical sector.

And the DG promises to do everything to “…maintain the quality and safety of care, ensure constant development and continue to meet other challenges. This is only the beginning of the journey”.