The American Embassy in Algeria Explains the Refusal of Us Visa Applications


Many US visa applications are refused for citizens in Algeria, the reasons for these refusals have just been explained by the American Embassy. We relay all the information on the subject to you in the rest of this article of February 09, 2022.

Indeed, many Algerians have been refused when applying for a non-immigrant visa for the United States. So these applicants cannot understand the reason for this rejection. As a result, the American Embassy in Algeria gave details concerning the reasons for these refusals of US visa applications.

In a video posted on its official Facebook page, the United States Embassy in Algeria argued about the refusal of visas. Indeed, the information officer, Khaled Wolfsberg, clearly explained that the consulate suspects illegal immigration intentions. And this, through the files presented by the Algerians. This is in order to obtain a tourist visa in the United States. 

In detail, applicants for tourist visas must prove their attachment to their country of origin. That said, providing the requested documents is not enough to get your visa. Then, the consulate works to detect the interest of the applicant through his profile and an interrogation. While reviewing the papers presented.

United States Embassy in Algeria: Here’s how to immigrate to the US

Based on the spokesperson’s speech in this video, Algerians tend to apply multiple times after receiving a visa denial. It is actually a waste of money. Knowing that to apply for a visa you have to pay one hundred and sixty dollars ($160). That said, it is recommended to opt for another method in order to be able to live in the USA in a legal way.

By the way, it’s about participating in the famous “Green Card ” lottery. This is organized in October of each year. Participants try their luck. This, is in order to obtain a residence permit issued by the competent authorities. In addition, the procedure is 100% free.