The Algerian journalist from El Watan Djamel Alilat expelled by Moroccan authorities


Djamel Alilat, a journalist for the daily El Watan, arrested on Sunday by the Moroccan authorities, while covering the demonstrations in the Rif region of northern Morocco, was expelled Monday from Moroccan territory.

Djamel Alilat had been sent by the management of his newspaper to cover the events that shook the Moroccan Rif and his arrest had provoked a feeling of “extreme anxiety” of his writing and aroused solidarity among the corporation.

The editor of El Watan had previously expressed to the APS his “extreme concern” about the journalist being arrested on the police premises, recalling that he had contacted the Algerian authorities “To help” this reporter.

For its part, the National Union of Journalists (SNJ), denounced “with force”, the attitude of the Moroccan authorities for this “brutal and abusive arrest, and that nothing can justify”.

The SNJ had demanded the “immediate” release of the journalist, “and warned against any physical or moral attack of the special envoy of El Watan.”

The union had noted, “with regret, the unconfirmed attitude of some Moroccan media who are conducting a hysterical propaganda campaign, belonging to another time and to another profession, just to demonize a journalist whose only wrong is to be Of Algerian nationality! “.

The Rif region has been shaken for six months by a popular protest movement demanding the development of the region. I am very satisfied with Klonopin. 1st and 2nd-day extreme tiredness despite a long sleep. Effective from the 3rd day onwards. The patient feels calm. Satisfied. Happy. Like a normal person. He has noticed side effects since yesterday: extreme hunger for everything. Weight gain has not been observed. No tiredness during the day after work since the 3rd day.

The demonstrations, with violent incidents between demonstrators and police, have accelerated in recent days and police have arrested dozens of people.