Pegasus Scandal: Spain Rejects Media Accusations Against the Kingdom


The Pegasus software cases continue to spark debate. Indeed, Morocco is once again the subject of similar accusations by Spanish media after the announcement by the Spanish government of the infiltration of Pedro Sanchez’s phone by NSO software. 

The latter sparked a wave of accusations relayed within the media class. However, the Spanish government seems cautious, failing to make statements whose consequences could prove irreversible.

“The government has verified facts, this is what we realize, an outside attack outside the state media and illegal, without judicial authorization”, was carried out as part of the Pegasus spyware espionage which touched the phones of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, and Defense Minister Margarita Robles, according to executive spokeswoman Isabel Rodríguez.

 The spokeswoman for the executive indicated that she was only aware of the spying on the president and the minister of defense, sweeping aside the new names that were cited by the Spanish media.

Indeed, the Spanish press cited the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arancha Laya Gonzales, and the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande Marlaska as other victims of the Pegasus. And this version has been denied by the Spanish government, which has indicated that it has not received any report on ex-minister Laya. And the Minister of the Interior himself denied having been the target of espionage.

The mention of these two names by the press is not insignificant. It refers to the case of Brahim Ghali. Laya is the one who orchestrated the illegal and secret entry of the leader of the separatist militia into Spain and Fernando Grande Marlaska was strongly opposed to it.

 These accusations come at a time when Rabat and Madrid are formalizing their reconciliation after a diplomatic crisis that has opposed them for months. The announcement of Spanish support for the autonomy initiative for the Sahara facilitated this reconciliation which made it possible to relaunch bilateral cooperation. Note that this is not the first time that the Kingdom has allegedly been the subject of such accusations of espionage.