Algiers: Launch of the Implementation of the First Agricultural Parks Project


The wilaya of Algiers recently launched the creation of agricultural parks across 23 areas, as part of the capital’s green plan, starting with the lands adjacent to Lake Réghaïa.

The Director of agricultural services of the wilaya of Algiers, Mehdi Missaoui, indicated to APS that the construction of these parks’ agricultural land would be carried out in association with farmers and residents, specifying that the agricultural land adjacent to Lake Réghaïa had been chosen for the creation of this first agricultural park in association with the farmer-owners and in consultation with residents so that the project can be carried out successfully.

The agricultural parks, which will be built across 23 areas of the wilaya of Algiers (Réghaïa, Cheraga, Douera, and Zéralda, among others), will total an area of ​​500 hectares, said Mr. Missaoui, noting that farmers will benefit from free of charge fruit bushes, irrigation water, and labor, their role consisting of preserving the park while being free to dispose of the profits it generates.

Regarding the financial envelope allocated to this operation, the manager affirmed that it was an “open budget” aimed at preserving agricultural areas and integrating them into the framework of local development, adding that the operation was part of green ecological projects to face the climate changes that Algeria is experiencing like other countries in the world.

He recalled that This operation was preceded by local awareness campaigns aimed at farmers who own unexploited land and residents to convince them of the need to adhere to this approach to deal with climate change and to make them aware of the enormous benefits they can derive from such projects.