Algerian-Mauritanian High Joint Commission: 16 cooperation agreements, MoUs signed


ALGIERS- The works of the 18th session of the Algerian-Mauritanian High Joint Commission culminated, Tuesday in Algiers, in the signing of 16 cooperation agreements and memorandums of understanding (MoUs) related to the sectors of justice, vocational training, health and trade.

An agreement on institutional cooperation between the ministries of Justice of the two countries was inked by Justice Minister Tayeb Louh and his Mauritanian counterpart Brahim Ould Daddah.

Another agreement on cooperation between the Directorate General of Civil Service and Administration Reform and its Mauritanian counterpart was signed by Minister of Maghreb Affairs, African Union and Arab League Abdelkader Messahel and Mauritania’s Minister of Public Service, Labour and Administration Modernization Seyidna Ali Ould Mohamed Khouna.

Messahel and Ould Mohamed Khouna also signed another cooperation agreement in the field of labour.

A cooperation agreement on culture was inked by Messahel and Mauritania’s Deputy Minister to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, in charge of Maghreb and African Affairs and Mauritanians Abroad, Khadijetou Mbarek Fall.

The two ministers also signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of housing, urban planning and the city, and a MoU in the field of vocational training, in addition to a partnership agreement between the National Employment Agency (ANEM) and its Mauritanian counterpart.

Messahel and Mbarek Fall signed another MoU on the setting-up of a committee on water resources, and an agreement on cooperation in the field of civil protection, in addition to an executive programme of a cooperation agreement on religious affairs and wakfs for 2017-2019.

The two ministers also signed a MoU related to the social welfare, family, youth, children, disabled persons and training for social workers.

Minister of Industry and Mining Abdesselam Bouchouareb and Mauritania’s Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Naha Mint Hamdi Ould Mouknass inked a MoU on standardization and quality management.

The two ministers also signed a MoU on cooperation between the Algerian accreditation body(ALGERAC) and the Mauritanian authority of standardization and quality promotion at the Ministry of Trade, industry and Tourism.

The Minister of Post and ICTs, Houda-Imen Feraoun and Fall inked a draft cooperation agreement in the field of postal services and ICTs.

A cooperation agreement between the National Administration Institute and the Mauritania’s national institute of administration, journalism and magistracy was signed by the heads of the two institutes, Abdelhak Saihi and Ali Ould Elada.

A roadmap was also signed and submitted to Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal and his Mauritanian counterpart Yahya Ould Hademine for the implementation of the signed agreements.

Plan to open frontier post with Mauritania to boost tradePrime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal disclosed a plan to open a frontier post with Mauritania to facilitate the movement of people and goods and intensify trade between the two countries. 

In an address at the 18th session of the Algerian-Mauritanian High Joint Commission, Sellal said that considering their potentials and numerous opportunities of complementarity and partnership, the two countries seek to expand their partnership and cooperation.

Structuring projects are also scheduled in the fields of information and communication technologies (ICT), trade, agriculture and fishing, according to the prime minister.

Sellal called on the chambers of commerce and industry and businessmen to participate in fairs and economic events to benefit of partnership opportunities offered by the two countries.

Source: Algerian-Mauritanian High Joint Commission: 16 cooperation agreements, MoUs signed