Tunisia: Purchases of Natural Gas From Algeria Increased by 25% Between February 2021 and February 2022


This is what emerges from the monthly report on the energy situation published by the Tunisian Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mines.

Tunisian imports of Algerian gas increased by 25%, between February 2021 and February 2022, to reach 385 kilotonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe).

This is what emerges from the monthly report on the energy situation, published on April 14 by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines and relayed by the Tunis Afrique Presse Agency (TAP/official).

This increase is due to the increase in gas demand after deconfinement, i.e. from May 2021 and the drop in production, explains the report.

The average price of Algerian gas recorded an increase of 94% in dinars and 83% in dollars, between the end of February 2021 and the end of February 2022.

The fixed tax on the passage of Algerian gas has meanwhile experienced a 5% drop at the end of February, compared to the same period of the past year.

Natural gas resources (national production + tax package) reached 485 ktoe at the end of February 2022, thus registering a drop of 7%, compared to the same period of the previous year. The production of dry commercial gas fell by 8%.

Total demand for natural gas stood at 844 ktoe at the end of February 2022, an increase compared to the same period of the previous year.

The electricity production sector remains, by far, the largest consumer of natural gas in Tunisia as it represents 61% of total demand at the end of February 2022. Tunisia’s electricity production is based on natural gas at more than 97%.

For end uses (excluding power generation), demand for natural gas increased by 21% to 325 ktoe, according to the report.