Saudi Arabia Suspends Normalization Plans: Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s Reputation at Stake


Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of its Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, had recently started talks to normalize relations with Israel.

However, this approach was suspended following Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, a conflict that shook the region and raised concerns about the image of Saudi Arabia and its crown prince. This article explores the reasons for this suspension, the implications for the region and the factors that led to this turnaround.

A Surprising Turnaround

The Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, caused astonishment by engaging in negotiations with a view to normalizing relations with Israel.

However, this approach took an unexpected turn with the sudden suspension of talks. The move appears to be a response to a series of criticisms, both domestically and internationally, as well as a shift in priorities within the kingdom.

The Quest for a New Way

According to reliable sources, Riyadh has moved towards talks with Iran, marking a significant shift in its diplomatic priorities. The Saudi crown prince held talks with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi after the war in Gaza. This decision to negotiate with Iran led to a delay in Saudi-Israeli normalization talks.

Until then, Saudi and Israeli leaders had expressed confidence in the progress of these negotiations, which could have reshaped the dynamics of the Middle East. However, they had to face resistance, particularly among the Saudi population who expressed concern about the normalization of relations with Israel.

Strengthening the Saudi Position

Saudi Arabia now appears to want to strengthen its position by negotiating on the basis of higher demands. This could be an attempt to demonstrate commitment to Palestine while preserving its image within the Arab world.

Criticism of regimes normalizing with Israel continues to intensify, and Saudi Arabia likely wants to avoid alienating its Arab neighbors.

American sources said the United States has put pressure on Riyadh to condemn the Hamas attacks. However, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan refused this request. This refusal reflects the complexity of regional relations in the Middle East.

The Delicate Balance of Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Prince Mohammed bin Salman oscillates between normalization with Israel on the one hand and cooperation with Iran on the other. This delicate situation reflects the geopolitical interests at stake, particularly in the context of the conflict in Yemen.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called the Saudi crown prince in a bid to support Palestine and avoid escalation of war in the region. This approach is seen by some as an opportunity for Iran to promote its own interests, beyond the Palestinian cause.

Saudi Arabia thus finds itself at the center of a complex equation, where diplomacy, regional interests and international perception intertwine. The suspension of normalization talks with Israel is a new element in this equation, and it demonstrates the difficulty of navigating an ever-changing Middle East.