President Volodymyr Zelensky Recalls Ukrainian Ambassador to Morocco


Deemed Incapable of Defending the Country’s Interests. Deemed “not up to par”, the Ukrainian ambassadors to Georgia and Morocco have been recalled by the Ukrainian president.

In a video posted on Twitter, Volodymyr Zelensky announced the recall of some Ukrainian ambassadors, including the Ukrainian ambassador to Rabat, Oksana Vasylieva, and the Ukrainian ambassador to Georgia.

In times of war and crisis following the Russian intervention in Ukraine, the president considers that the two diplomats are not up to the position they occupy.

“Please look for another job”

“There are those who work with everyone for the defense of the country, for Ukraine to win its future. We appreciate the work of each of these people. And there are those who waste time just to stay in office”, launched Volodymyr Zelensky, before adding:  “Today I signed a decree for the recall of the ambassadors of Ukraine in Morocco and Georgia. There will be no weapons, there will be no sanctions, and there will be no obstacles for Russian companies  ? With all due respect, please look for another job”, thus calling on the various Ukrainian diplomats to multiply their efforts, in the direction of the resolution of this conflict.

As a reminder, in a press release published on February 26, the Moroccan Foreign Ministry had mentioned its position on the war in Ukraine, stating that “the Kingdom of Morocco reiterates its support for territorial integrity and national unity of all member states of the United Nations”. “The Kingdom of Morocco also recalls its attachment to the principle of non-use of force for the settlement of disputes between States and encourages all initiatives and actions promoting a peaceful settlement of conflicts”, continued the department of Nasser Bourita.

Moreover, through his exchanges with the heads of Ukrainian and Russian diplomacy, the Minister maintained Morocco’s position which, despite its non-participation in the votes on resolutions on the situation between Ukraine and Russia at the UN, doesn’t ignore the crisis. On the contrary, the kingdom had indicated that it was “following with concern and concern the development of the situation between Ukraine and the Russian Federation”.