Olive: Despite the Drought, an Almost Record Harvest in Morocco


In Morocco, the 2021/22 agricultural campaign looks very promising thanks to an anticipatory approach by producers. A record harvest of 200,000 tons of olive oil is expected there.

The 2021/22 agricultural campaign will reach 200,000 tons of oil. Compared to the 2020 campaign (160,000 tonnes), 2019 (145,000 tonnes), is a record harvest. “This year, we suffered a lot of heat until well before the harvest, which made us extend the irrigation period,” said Omar Tagnaouti Moummani, export and development director, Olea.

The 21% growth expected for the current campaign compared to the previous one is explained by the constant expansion of fruit-bearing olive growing, which justifies the Moroccan Interprofessional Olive Federation (Interprolive). According to Interprolive, the nearly 800,000 hectares of olive groves in 2010 have increased to 1.2 million hectares for the current season.

In a document reported by L’Opinion , Mohamed Khannoufi explained that the olive oil production chain has benefited from relevant privileges within the framework of the Maroc Vert strategy. “The pace of development of olive growing is rapidly making the kingdom one of the most relevant world producers,” said Juan Vilar Strategic Consultants.

According to the IOC, Morocco is rapidly becoming one of the largest producers of olive oil outside the European Union, joining Turkey and Tunisia, which produced 227,500 tonnes and 240,000 tonnes, respectively.