Arab League Summit: Algeria Pulls Out All the Stops


Algeria is determined to make a success of the 31st session of the Arab League summit which it is hosting. Less than two weeks away from this major meeting of the countries of the Arab community, Algiers is fine-tuning the final settings for the perfect success of the event.

Algeria, capital of the Arab world from November 1 to 2, 2022

There is no longer any doubt about the holding of the 31st Arab League summit in Algeria. After dispatching his emissaries to the capitals of Arab sister nations who officially delivered the invitation letters to the leaders of his respective nations, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune received Monday, October 17 in Algiers, the Secretary General of the Arab League, Mr. Aboul Gheit. The two men discussed the final details of the organization of this long-awaited summit.

This interview granted to the Secretary General of the Arab institution by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune testifies to the importance of this major diplomatic meeting for Algeria, which intends through this session to mark its great return to the forefront in the world. Arab.

The two parties discussed the main topics on the agenda for this summit of the centenary of the existence of the oldest and institution of the Arab nations. The Palestinian and Libyan questions, the security and economic challenges are among other hot topics that will be discussed at this summit.

No Syrian subject at this meeting

If meanwhile, the rumors reported a possible study of the return of Syria within the organization, this file, will not be finally approached in Algiers. According to local sources, it was Damascus itself that asked that its file not be discussed at this summit, recalling that the Arab League suspended Syria’s membership status in 2011 due to the war situation that prevails in the country.

“The Arab summit will be a success” (Aboul Gheit)

In a statement to the press, the Secretary General of the Arab League, Mr. Aboul Gheit, specified that “the meeting with the Algerian President was marked by a strong desire to ensure the full success of this summit which will be, he says, “a unifying summit”.

The Secretary General of the Arab League expressed confidence in the success of this meeting, explaining this by a convergence of points of view between the various stakeholders. The next Arab summit “will be a success given the good preparation and the perfect organization ensured in anticipation of this meeting”, maintained Mr. Aboul Gheit at the end of a meeting of bilateral political consultations with the head of diplomacy Algerian.

On the occasion of a press briefing organized this week within the framework of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Algeria’s accession to the UN, the head of Algerian diplomacy, Ramatane Lamamra also considers himself confident in regarding the success of the Algiers summit. “All preparations are complete, and the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune wanted to send personalized letters to each leader because he wants this meeting to be unifying. The presence of all is essential in order to take the necessary decisions to relaunch cooperation between the Arab countries,” he declared.

The date of the summit, a symbol for Algeria

The organization of this 31st Arab League summit by Algeria was approved on March 9 by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs during the ordinary session of the Council held in Cairo. In all likelihood, the choice of Algiers to host this conference from November 1 is not insignificant.

Indeed, the date of November 1 finds great resonance in the collective imagination of the Algerian people since it obviously recalls the date of November 1, 1954 which marks the outbreak of the National Liberation Revolution. It is in parallel to this memorable date that the authorities of Algiers have decided to host the summit from November 1st. The symbolism is very strong and is an extension of its principles in favor of Arab unity and the rights of mistreated peoples.

“This date is highly symbolic in that it underlines the commitment of the Arab States to the values ​​of a common struggle for liberation and self-determination, particularly in the context of the growing challenges arising from the serious tensions that are accelerating on the international scene”, said last March the head of Algerian diplomacy.

Algiers wants this 31st summit of the Arab organization to be the conference of reconciliation within the Arab world. Attached to the principle of uniqueness within the Arab world, Algiers wants to convey the message of overcoming antagonistic positions during its meetings. The Algerian authorities obviously hope that the Arab world will henceforth speak with one and the same voice in a geopolitical context marred by profound political, security and economic changes.