Algeria Killing of Djamel Ben IsmaïL: A Suspect Arrested by the Bri in Blida


The individual would have been identified thanks to the video of the massacre of Djamel Ben Ismaïl

An individual suspected of having actively participated in the killing of Djamel Ben Ismaïl was arrested in Blida, according to information reported by the Algerian channel “El Bilad” overnight from Saturday to Sunday.

The arrest of the suspect was carried out by specialized men from the RIB (Research and Intervention Brigade) from Blida (45 km from Algiers to the southwest).

The individual would have been identified thanks to the video of the massacre of Djamel Ben Ismaïl, broadcast live on social networks by a witness present at the time of the facts.

In a message to the Nation, broadcast Thursday evening, the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune assured that justice would be done and urged his people to unity in these times of unrest in Algeria.

The Head of State widely condemned the assassination of which the young volunteer from Miliana, in the province of Aïn Defla (west), was the victim.

As a reminder, Wednesday, while he had traveled to Kabylia (50 km east of Algiers) to bring aid to the populations hard hit by the fires which ravaged the region, Djamel Ben Ismaïl was unfairly accused of being an arsonist before being lynched by a raging mob who snatched him from life before burning his body.

The extremely violent video, which the Anadolu Agency was able to view, caused a stir throughout Algeria and internationally, where the condemnations are unanimous.

The arrest of this first suspect could be the first in a long series, according to the Algerian authorities.

The father of the victim, for his part, called on his compatriots to show solidarity and not to give in to division in the face of the ordeal that Algeria is going through.