Algeria Imposes the Sanitary Pass in Sports Halls and Stadiums


Algeria is continuing its deconfinement, in the context of the decline of the  Covid-19 pandemic, whose daily toll is around 300-400 per day, after having approached the bar of 2,000 cases at the end of July.

Containment relief measures since the end of August, including the reorganization of the night curfew hours from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., the reopening of beaches and leisure places to the public, the reopening of restaurants and fast food stores -food to consumers as well as the resumption of urban and rail transport during the weekend.

A new deconfinement measure was announced this Sunday, September 5 by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. This is the reopening to the public of public and private sports halls as well as the resumption of sports activities and competitions in all disciplines, from tomorrow Monday, September 6, according to a press release from this ministry.

The novelty lies in the introduction for the first time of the health pass for athletes, the public, athletes and managers, and workers of these sports infrastructures.

The reopening of sports facilities “will be subject to the presentation of a health pass certifying the vaccination of managers and users of these facilities as well as strict compliance with the health protocol adopted to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic”, specified the ministry.

On August 30, Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane decided to renew the measure relating to the closure of sports halls for a period of 15 days in the 40 wilayas affected by the night curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

However, the government has decided to reverse its decision and reopen the sports halls and stadiums “as part of the resumption of sports activities in anticipation of important sports competitions, in particular the Mediterranean Games-2022 in Oran, and so that our national teams can prepare in the best conditions for the launch of the various national championships.”

Algeria launched yesterday, Saturday, September 4, a major national vaccination campaign against Covid-19, with the objective of vaccinating 70% of the population before the end of 2021.

This campaign will last a week. According to official figures, 8 million Algerians have been vaccinated against Covid-19, of which three million have received both doses of the vaccine.