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UNICEF: Over half a million Libyan children require humanitarian aids

The UNICEF Regional Director, Geert Cappelaere, said that 550,000 children need assistance due the political instability, …..


The UNICEF Regional Director, Geert Cappelaere, said that 550,000 children need assistance due the political instability, on-going conflict, displacement, and economic collapse after years of the Libyan crisis.

Cappelaere said in a statement after visiting Libya for the first time in the past couple of days that violence in the country forced families to leave their houses, warning that more than 80,000 children are internally displaced.

“Migrant children in Libya are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, including in detention centers.” Cappelaere’s statement reads.

He also indicated that since 2011, UNICEF has been expanding its assistance to respond to children’s needs on the ground as more than 1.3 million children were vaccinated against polio last year.

“UNICEF and partners, including national institutions, were able to maintain nearly universal immunization coverage even when violence was at its peak.” The statement adds.

UNICEF partnered with 28 municipalities across Libya under the “Together for Children Campaign” to support children’s basic rights, the statement that was posted on UNICEF’s website explains.

“Next October, UNICEF plans to have all its international staff operating full-time from Libya. UNICEF will further scale up its assistance to reach 1.5 million girls and boys and support strengthening of national institutions and civil society.” The statement concludes.


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