Tourism: Algeria, Morocco’s Future Competitor?


Algeria intends to develop the tourism sector in order to get out of oil dependency. Will she be the future competitor of Morocco whose model seduces?

Diversifying its sources of foreign currency income, in particular through the development of the tourism sector, is one of the solutions found by Algeria, whose economy is under strain because of its dependence on oil revenues. To do this, the Algerian government wants to facilitate the granting of visas.

“With regard to tourism and in order to build a tourism industry, the government undertakes to implement a plan for the destination Algeria by supporting the work of travel and tourism agencies, in particular by facilitating procedures. visa for foreign tourists,” Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane announced on Monday during the presentation of his government’s action plan to the National People’s Congress.

It also intends to modernize domestic tourism, through the promotion of tourist centers of excellence that meet international standards, particularly those of a cultural and religious nature in the south of the country.