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Start-Up: Start of Registrations for the International Visits Program for the Benefit of National Companies

Start-Up: Start of Registrations for the International Visits Program for the Benefit of National Companies

The Ministry of the Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises announced, Wednesday in a press release, the start of registrations for the international visits program, for the benefit of 450 Algerian start-ups, in China, in the United States and South Korea, an initiative “launched by the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, during the opening of the 55th edition of the Algiers International Fair (FIA)”.

“This pioneering program aims to enable 450 start-ups in the field of technology to better understand the global ecosystems of entrepreneurship and to broaden the network of relationships, especially since the program includes visits to companies technology, research centers, universities, incubators and accelerators, particularly innovation incubators, in many countries around the world that are leaders in the technological field,” we read in the press release.

As part of this initiative, the scheduled visits include the United States with 150 start-ups concerned, in addition to China (150 start-ups) and South Korea (150 start-ups).

To do this, the ministry specifies that “the program will be organized in the form of small groups to facilitate logistical coordination and will be completely free for start-ups (plane tickets, accommodation, local transport, visas and other costs included). )”.

Therefore, the ministry invites all start-ups to consult this program and register, via the website 

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