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HomeAfricaMarlène Schiappa highlights Zidane's immigration from Algeria

Marlène Schiappa highlights Zidane’s immigration from Algeria

Marlène Schiappa, Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship, mentions Zinedine Zidane, originally from Algeria, among the prestigious immigration figures. They enrich France, according to her. And also make its influence. The manager wanted, thereby, to highlight “the positive side” of the reception of migrants.

As part of the LF 2021 project, the appropriations for the immigration, asylum, and integration mission were adopted. The session actually took place on Thursday, November 5th. To the National Assembly. Marlène Schiappa highlighted, that day, immigration as having brought wealth to France, and to illustrate her words, she cited names, like that of Zinedine Zidane, born in France, of parents who left Algeria.

Personalities from the political and scientific world are included. Names from the world of sport too. The sphere of arts and culture also includes faces that made the glory of France. The list of names of the lady in charge of Citizenship resounded in Parliament. It would have demonstrated the grandiose contribution of the children of immigrants. “From Marie Curie to Nicolas Sarkozy, from Zinedine Zidane to Gambetta. From Omar SY to Yannick Noah. Immigrants have enriched France ”. This is what Marlène Schiappa declared in her speech in the hemicycle.

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Control and balance: The new common thread of migration policy in France

The Minister Delegate then explains a subtle contrast that characterizes the government’s vision. The latter deals with the migration issue. The attitude tinged with humanity for the successful integration of newcomers would combine with something else. This consists of a solid rigor in the treatment of cases of illegal entry. The intrusion on French territory would no longer pass as a letter in the post; it seems. The government of Jean Castex would no longer turn a blind eye to the illegal stay.

Marlène Schiappa speaks of a ” controlled and balanced migration policy. “ With this new philosophy, we plan to act on two opposing fronts. Namely, “showing humanity in welcoming and integrating.” And on the other hand, there would be zero tolerance. Such intransigence would manifest itself with regard to undocumented migrants. Including the Algerian harragas, we can deduce. France would thus show “firmness.” Something that would concern illegal residents. 

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