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HomeAfricaDemonstration in Paris in Support of Sub-Saharan Migrants in Tunisia

Demonstration in Paris in Support of Sub-Saharan Migrants in Tunisia

Tunisian civil society organizations in France are calling for a rally on Friday, March 3, 2023 from 5 to 7 p.m. in front of the Tunisian Embassy in Paris (Place Andrรฉ Tardieu 75007 โ€“ Mรฉtro Saint Franรงois Xavier โ€“ Line 13) under the slogan : stop the racist and security drift, no to the hate speech advocated by the highest Tunisian authoritiesโ€.

Shaken by an unprecedented authoritarian drift, Tunisia has just taken another inadmissible step: the adoption by the Head of State and the National Security Council of a series of measures arising directly from racist and xenophobes that target sub-Saharan migrants.

The official declarations at the highest level of the State thus come to consolidate in a populist momentum which takes the place of a political line a hateful campaign which has been carried out for some time and which risks shaking the social fabric and a population already strongly abused by the consequences of socio-economic crises.

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This racist drift, triggered by a minority, is a blow to the aspirations of the revolution based, it must be remembered, on the values โ€‹โ€‹of freedom, justice, equality and dignity.

Initially supported by a few groups and relayed by certain pages of social networks close to the Tunisian government, this campaign takes up the worst failings of the ideologies and themes advocated by identity and far-right movements in Europe and the UNITED STATES. Indeed, in addition to the fact that they demand the expulsion of sub-Saharan migrants, the initiators of this campaign take up the xenophobic thesis of the “great replacement”. The latter do not even hesitate to ask for the repeal of the law criminalizing racist acts, remarks and discrimination, a law adopted on October 23, 2018.

We, Tunisians living abroad who, at one time or another of our journey in the host countries, have been confronted with xenophobic discourse and racist acts, sometimes even going as far as assassination, we cannot admit that hateful and racist speeches spread and become so easily trivialized in Tunisia.

We count on the active solidarity of all those who have always fought against racism and xenophobia and call on them to stand up against this ignominy with us and to help us in our fight for a free, democratic and welcoming Tunisia.

We require that

โ€“ the cessation of arbitrary prosecutions and arrests of sub-Saharan migrants;

โ€“ the immediate release of arrested migrants;

โ€“ the denunciation of racist remarks and acts and the application of law 2018-50 (anti-racist) of October 23, 2018.

We call on all democrats and civil society in Tunisia to unreservedly condemn this new official discourse foreign to our history and our culture and these hateful and xenophobic campaigns.

We urge them to demonstrate their active solidarity with sub-Saharan migrants.

We call on Tunisians in France and abroad to actively denounce racism and xenophobia in our country.

We call on all democrats in France and in Europe for support and solidarity.

Racism is not an opinion, it is a crime! It must be fought!

First signatories:

Committee for the respect of freedoms and human rights in Tunisia (CRLDHT)

Democratic Association of Tunisians in France (ADTF)

Association of Tunisians in France (ATF)

3C Collective

Federation of Tunisian Citizens of the Two Shores (FTCR)

The Geneva Bridge

Euro-Maghreb Citizenship and Culture Network (REMCC)

Uni’T Tunisia

Union of Tunisian Immigrant Workers (UTIT)

France-North Democratic Current



Workers’ Party – France section



Acting for change and democracy in Algeria (ACDA)

Assembly of Citizens from Turkey (ACORT)

Plural Women Association (FP)

Association of Moroccans in France (AMF)

Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Morocco (ASDHOM)

Association of Maghreb Workers of France (ATMF)

Association for the taxation of financial transactions and for citizen action (ATTAC)

Cedtim / IPAM

CIBELE (Ile de France)

International Coalition of Undocumented Migrants (CISPM)

Collective of undocumented immigrants 75 (CSP75)

CORENS (Hauts de France)

Solidarity Europe without Borders (ESSF)

Frantz Fanon Foundation

Palestine Citizenship Forum

Information and support group for immigrant workers (GISTI)

League for Human Rights (LDH)

Movement against racism and for friendship between peoples (MRAP)

NECFA, Franco-Algerian exchanges (Paris)

Euromed France network (REF)

Feminist Network โ€œRupturesโ€

International Response

International LGBTQI+ Solidarity.

SOS Racism

French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP)


French Democratic Confederation of Labor (CFDT)

General Confederation of Labor (CGT)

Federation of United Trade Unions (FSU)

Solidarity trade union

National Union of Students of France (UNEF)

Gone :


Europe ecology the greens (EELV)

 For a popular and social ecology (PEPS)

La France Insoumise (LFI)

Movement of Progressives (CDM)

New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA)

French Communist Party (PCF)

Communist Party of Workers of France (PCOF)

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