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HomeInternationalAnti-Russian Sanctions: Nourine Calls for Denouncing Global Bodies

Anti-Russian Sanctions: Nourine Calls for Denouncing Global Bodies

“It is possible for us to see on the occasion of the latest events taking place in Ukraine that history and time have proven me right”, affirmed Fethi Nourine. 

“We see how the major international sports federations and organizations, like FIFA and the International Judo Federation, contradict each other in their decisions and judgments,” added the Algerian judoka, according to whom the latter “do evidence of hypocrisy because a sanction was taken against me under the pretext that I had introduced politics into sport by withdrawing from the fight against the representative of the Zionist entity at the Tokyo Olympics when the very first not that they did in support of Ukraine was to mix politics with sport”.

“We see that when it comes to causes that concern Muslims and Arabs, these world bodies apply the regulations to the letter and when it is European countries that are involved, they ignore these same regulations,” he said. deplored Fethi Nourine, for whom “this confirms that the sanction imposed on me was an unjust and abusive decision”. “This is an opportunity for us to relaunch the case and introduce an official appeal because the argument on the basis of which I was punished becomes null and void from the moment these same bodies responsible for it make themselves from politics,” he insisted. “The free and dignified Algerian people are on my side, as well as the Palestinian people, and I am satisfied with what I have accomplished,” reacted the Algerian sportsman.

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“The resistance of Fethi Nourine and his coach to this drift of Olympism, full of dignity, humanity and a spirit of responsibility, is not an isolated case”, had commented the philosopher Youcef Benzatat in a published column. in  Algeriapatriotic. “Our contemporary period has seen several similar episodes. In the past, the violation of the Charter of Olympism was systematically brandished to justify the boycott of the games against the States whose leaders of the IOC were guilty of complacency with their law, by allowing them to participate in them with impunity. total”, he explained, giving the example of the 1976 Olympic Games when African countries had boycotted the sporting event in Montreal to protest against the presence of South Africa, a racist country whose political practice was based on apartheid within the IOC.

Long before, in 1973 already, the football team of the USSR refused to meet its Chilean counterpart to protest against the assassination by a foreign power, in this case the United States, of the legitimate president of this country, Salvator Allende, and appoint a government that is won over to them to direct its policy in favor of the interests of this power to the detriment of the interests of the Chilean people. “This event will be the start of a new era for Olympism, where its Charter will become a geostrategic issue to continue the cold war between the Eastern and Western blocs which has been going on since the end of the Second World War. “, noted Youcef Benzatat, recalling that “in response to the boycott of the football match by the USSR against its counterpart in Chile, the United States in turn boycotted the Moscow Olympics in 1980, by invoking interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, Afghanistan”. “In 1984, the Eastern bloc outbids in turn by boycotting the Los Angeles Olympic Games in reprisal,” recalls the author of the contribution entitled “The underside of the conviction of the Algerian judoka Fethi Nourine”.

“Just recently, in 2004, Western countries and their allies joined their voices to that of the United States to call for a boycott of the Olympic Games planned in China, for the same reason of violation of the Charter of Olympism, namely the violation of human rights and the deprivation of political freedoms in this vast country”, he continues, considering that “obviously, this solidarity in the boycott of the Olympics between States is not the prerogative of groups concerned preservation of the Charter of Olympism, but many lobbies gathered around ideologies and geostrategic issues that have nothing to do with Olympism, but rather driven by sneaky motives that are part of unacknowledged war strategies”.

“Fethi Nourine and his coach were suspended by a jury unworthy of representing the Olympic spirit, because having made their decision for the benefit of the interests of the lobby to which its members belong, partially and not objectively, for having previously accepted the participation to these Games of a State which does not respect this same spirit of the Olympic Charter”, rightly noted Youcef Benzatat.

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