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Algeria-Tunisia: Supervision of Preparations for the Reopening of Land Borders

Algeria Tunisia Reopening of Land Borders

The interior ministers of Algeria and Tunisia met in El Tarf (far eastern Algerians) to examine the measures taken to implement the decisions of the two presidents, Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Kaïs Saïed

The interior ministers of Algeria and Tunisia supervised, on Monday, at the Oum Tboul border post, preparations for the reopening of the land borders between the two countries, scheduled for Friday, July 15. The two officials, in this case, Kamel Beldjoud (Algeria) and Tawfik Charfeddine (Tunisia) met in El Tarf (far eastern Algerians) to examine the measures taken to implement the decisions of the two presidents, Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Kaïs Saïed.

On the spot, the two ministers took stock of the relative preparations, in the presence of the walis of the border wilayas with Tunisia, namely El Tarf, Tébessa, Souk Ahras and El Oued, as well as the director-general of Algerian customs. Closed for two years due to the health situation, induced by the spread of Covid-19, the Algerian-Tunisian land borders were until then open only to the movement of transport of goods.

On July 5, on the occasion of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Algeria’s independence, the president, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and his Tunisian counterpart, Kaïs Saïed, decided to reopen their land borders from July 15 running.

“We have decided, my brother Kaïs Saïed and I, to reopen the land borders to individuals and tourists from July 15. This will allow Algerians to visit their second country, Tunisia, and Tunisians to come to their second country, Algeria,” said the Algerian Head of State in the presence of Kaïs Saïed who attended the celebration festivities. independence of Algeria, freed from French colonialism, in 1962.

The Algerian Head of State recalled, in this sense, “that in reality, the borders between the two countries have never been closed, since the transport of goods has continued despite the pandemic”.

On this occasion, Kaïs Saïed reiterated his wish “to open up new horizons for the two countries and the two peoples in the future”. “We are one people, even one family. We have a common history and a common fate. Our wish is to open up new horizons for our two countries and our two peoples,” he said.

The closure of the land borders between the two countries has penalized several million Algerians who are used to spending their summer holidays in Tunisia. Families with relatives in Algeria and Tunisia were also affected by this measure since they could not exchange their usual visits.

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