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Algeria Removed From France’s Red List: What Will Change?

Algeria Removed From France's Red List

The decrease in cases of contamination in Algeria is being confirmed day by day. After the easing of sanitary confinement and the resumption of certain activities, Algerians can finally breathe.

Another piece of good news announced today, October 9, will make them even happier. This concerns the withdrawal of Algeria from the red list established by France. Indeed, France no longer considers Algeria as a high-risk area. This is what was published this Saturday in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Thus, the order published by the French Minister of Health Olivier Véran indicates that the decision will enter into force from Monday, October 11. The two Maghreb neighbors are also concerned by the good news. Following an improvement in the health situation, Morocco and Tunisia are no longer on the red list.

What will change for travelers?

It should also be remembered that Algeria was considered by France as a high-risk area on August 21. A period during which the country was going through a third wave of the most virulent covid-19. Today, Algeria leaves the red list and finds itself on the “orange” list as it was before.

This new decision will logically ease the conditions for entry into France. It is only unvaccinated travelers who are affected by these conditions since Sinovac has been recognized.

From now on, they must present a compelling reason, a PCR test of less than 72 h (instead of 48 h currently) or antigenic (- 48 h, unchanged) before departure. Added to this is the 7-day self-isolation instead of the mandatory 10-day quarantine.

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