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AAAID Finances a Project to Produce 4 Million Tonnes of Potato Seeds in Tunisia

AAAID Finances a Project to Produce 4 Million Tonnes of Potato Seeds in Tunisia

The Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID) will support agricultural development projects in the governorate of Sidi Bouzid (central Tunisia), within the framework of the “Central Production Markets Platform Project”.

This project, which covers 70 hectares for a total cost of 116 million dinars (MDT), was at the heart of an interview, on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, between the Minister of Economy and Planning, Samir Saïed, Mohamed Bin Obaid Al-Mazrouei, president of AAAID, who will contribute to the capital of the company managing the project, to the tune of 22.3 MTD.

The two parties also reviewed the joint project “El Mabrouka”, which specializes in the production of potato seeds. The first of its kind in the Arab region, this project will enable the production of approximately 4 million tonnes of 100% Tunisian potato seeds and export them to Arab countries.

The interview was also an opportunity to review the activities and projects supported by AAAID, in particular the “Al Marji” project in Jendouba, specializing in livestock and agricultural development, which produces around 12 million liters of milk per year.

Samir Saïed praised the role played by AAAID in the development of certain agricultural production systems, highlighting the opportunities available to set up high-value-added processing projects.

He reiterated the readiness of his department and the structures concerned to make the necessary efforts to overcome the difficulties faced to launch the planned projects under better conditions and as soon as possible.

For his part, Al-Mazrouie stressed the importance of the partnership between the authority and Tunisia and the desire to develop it further, given the great potential and opportunities that exist, particularly in the dairy sector, the production of fodder, and seed development.

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